Inspire Talk

Inspire Talk is a speaking contest for children.


Topic: Empathy


This is an event for children between 6-18 years (3 age groups); a stage where they can share their stories and inspire others. It doesn't matter how big or small the experience was and how much it can inspire someone. If you have a story to share, we will create a stage for you. The idea is to create hope and inspiration to others. You need to share the gist of your story/experience related to the topic given above in under 1000 words.

How to Participate:

  • Login: Login into your BSEI account or create a new account.
  • Register: Fill in your details in the event registration form.
  • Pay: Pay the Registration fee amount of ₹500.
  • Submit: Submit your PDF file before the last date.


  • You must register and complete your file submission by the 30th of September, 2021.
  • To register, fill in your details and pay the registration amount of Rs. 500.
  • Your file must be in a PDF format that is less than 1MB and must not contain any images.
  • We shall be shortlisting the finalists from the 1st of October, 2021 to the 15th of October, 2021 and announcing the finalists on the 20th of October, 2021.
  • If you have registered and have not uploaded your submission by the last date, the registration amount will not be refunded back to you.

Age Groups:

  • 6 to 10
  • 11 to 14
  • 15 to 18

Final Date to Submit: 30th of September, 2021

Registration Fees: ₹500

Total Prize: ₹50,000

